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Start and stop a queue manager

We can start or stop an individual queue manager, or start or stop all the queue managers in a queue manager set.

About this task

Before we can create IBM MQ objects to be hosted by a queue manager, and before we can start any of the IBM MQ objects that are hosted by the queue manager, we must start the queue manager.

In some circumstances, such as if you have changed the attributes of the queue manager, if you want to apply a fix pack to IBM MQ, or if we want to stop the queue manager participating in a messaging network, we must stop the queue manager.

To start or stop a queue manager in IBM MQ Explorer, complete either of the following steps:
  1. Start or stop an individual queue manager
  2. Start or stop all the queue managers in a queue manager set


  • [OPTION 1] Start or stop an individual queue manager
    1. In the Navigator view, expand the Queue Managers folder.
    2. Right-click the name of the queue manager, then click Start or Stop.
    3. If you chose to stop the queue manager, select Controlled or Immediate.
    4. Click OK.

    The icon next to the queue manager name changes to indicate that the queue manager has started or stopped as appropriate.

  • [OPTION 2] Start or stop all the queue managers in a queue manager set Before you start or stop all the queue managers in a set, we must take the following steps:

    1. In the Navigator view, expand the Queue Managers folder.
    2. Right-click the name of the set to open the menu. Click Start Local Queue Managers or Stop Local Queue Managers.

    The icon next to the queue manager's name changes to indicate that the queue managers in the set have started or stopped as appropriate.

  • Reconnectable clients
    IBM MQ clients can take advantage of automatic reconnection if their connection to a queue manager is broken. This is of value when a connection breaks, or a queue manager fails. When you stop a queue manager you have the option of enabling the automatic reconnection of clients.

Parent topic: Start and stop objects and services

Related concepts

Last updated: 2020-10-04