Process definition properties

We can set properties for process definitions. Some properties do not apply to all types of process definitions. Some of the properties are specific to z/OS process definitions.

The following tables list all the properties that you can set for process definitions:

For each property, there is a brief description of when you might need to configure the property. The tables also give the equivalent MQSC parameter for the DEFINE, ALTER and DISPLAY PROCESS commands. For more information, see ALTER PROCESS and DISPLAY PROCESS

General page

The following table lists the properties that we can set on the General page of the Process Definition properties dialog.

Property Meaning MQSC parameter
Process name Read-only. We cannot change the name of the process definition after it has been created. PROCESS
Description Type a meaningful description of the purpose of the process definition. See Entering strings in MQ Explorer. DESCR
Application type Select the type of application that starts when the initiation queue receives the trigger message.

System-defined applications are in the range zero through 65 535. For user-defined applications, type in the range 65 536 through 999 999 999.

Only specify application types (other than user-defined types) that are supported on the platform at which the command is executed:

  • z/OS supports CICS (default), DOS, IMS, MVS™, OS2, UNIX, Windows, Windows NT, and DEF.
  • OS/400 supports OS/400 (default), CICS, and DEF.
  • Tandem NSK supports NSK.
  • UNIX supports UNIX (default), OS2, DOS, Windows, CICS, and DEF.
  • Windows NT supports Windows NT (default), DOS, Windows, OS2, UNIX, CICS, and DEF.

Application ID Type the name of the application to be started. Usually, this is the fully-qualified file name of the executable object. The maximum length is 256 characters. For a CICS application, type the CICS transaction ID; for an IMS application, type the IMS transaction ID. APPLICID
Environment data Type the environment information that is relevant to the application being started. The maximum length is 128 characters. ENVRDATA
User data Type the user information that is relevant to the application being started. The maximum length is 128 characters. USERDATA
QSG disposition Read-only. This is the queue sharing group disposition of the process definition. We cannot change the disposition of a process definition after it has been created. Queue manager means that the object definition is available only to the queue manager that hosts it; Group means that the object definition is stored on the shared repository and each queue manager in the queue sharing group has a copy of the definition; Copy means that the object definition is the queue manager's copy of a definition in the shared repository. QSGDISP

Statistics page

The following table lists the properties that we can set on the Statistics page of the Process Definitions properties dialog. The Statistics page displays information about the history of the process definitions. We cannot edit any of these properties.

Property Meaning MQSC parameter
Alteration date Read-only. This is the date on which the process definition's properties were last altered. ALTDATE
Alteration time Read-only. This is the time at which the process definition's properties were last altered. ALTTIME
Parent topic: Properties

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