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MQ Get Message Options

MQ Get Message options control the action of MQGET.

We can specify none, one, or more of the options described later in this section. For more than one option, the values can be:

  • Added (do not add the same constant more than once), or
  • Combined using the bitwise OR operation (if the programming language supports bit operations).

The initial value of the Options field is MQGMO_NO_WAIT plus MQGMO_PROPERTIES_AS_Q_DEF.

Property options

The following options relate to the properties of the message:


    Properties of the message, except the properties contained in the message descriptor (or extension) must be represented as defined by the PropertyControl queue property. If a MsgHandle is provided this option is ignored and the properties of the message are available using the MsgHandle, unless the value of the PropertyControl queue property is MQPROP_FORCE_MQRFH2.

    This is the default action if no property options are specified.


    Properties of the message must be made available using the MsgHandle. If no message handle is provided the call fails with reason MQRC_HMSG_ERROR.


    No properties of the message, except the properties contained in the message descriptor (or extension) are retrieved. If a MsgHandle is provided it is ignored.


    Properties of the message, except the properties contained in the message descriptor (or extension) must be represented using MQRFH2 headers. This provides compatibility with earlier versions for applications which are expecting to retrieve properties but are unable to be changed to use message handles. If a MsgHandle is provided it is ignored.

    If the message contains a property with a prefix of "mcd.", "jms.", "usr.", or "mqext.", all message properties are delivered to the application in an MQRFH2 header. Otherwise all properties of the message, except the properties contained in the message descriptor (or extension), are discarded and are no longer accessible to the application.

Default option

If none of the options described previously is required, the following option can be used:

    Use this value to indicate that no other options have been specified; all options assume their default values. MQGMO_NONE aids program documentation; it is not intended that this option is used with any other, but because its value is zero, such use cannot be detected.

Parent topic: Message properties

Last updated: 2020-10-04