Exporting and importing settings

We can export your settings from IBM MQ Explorer for backup purposes, or to transfer and import the settings into another instance of IBM MQ Explorer.

We can export and import the following types of settings in IBM MQ Explorer:

  • Column schemes that we have created
  • Filters that we have created
  • Connection details for remote queue managers
  • Preferences that we have set in IBM MQ Explorer
  • Queue manager set memberships, set definitions, and set filters

Parent topic: Configure IBM MQ Explorer

Exporting settings

About this task

We can export your settings from your workspace to transfer and import the settings into another instance of IBM MQ Explorer for example.

To export your settings from the IBM MQ Explorer workspace:


  1. To open the Export dialog, in the Navigator view, right-click IBM MQ, then click Export MQ Explorer settings.... Alternatively, we can open the Export dialog by clicking File > Export, then selecting MQ Explorer > MQ Explorer Settings from the dialog.
  2. Select the check boxes for the types of settings that we want to export.
  3. As the data is written to the file system, enter the file name and location for the compressed file that will be created to store the exported settings.
  4. Click OK.


A compressed file that contains the exported settings is created. The compressed file contains the settings in XML files.

For information about exporting queue manager sets, see: Importing and exporting queue manager sets.

Importing settings

About this task

To import settings to IBM MQ Explorer:


  1. In the Navigator view, right-click IBM MQ, then click Import MQ Explorer settings... The Import dialog opens.
  2. Browse for the compressed file that contains the settings.
  3. Select the types of settings that we want to import into IBM MQ Explorer. If the compressed file does not contain settings of a certain type, the check box associated with that type is unavailable.
  4. Click OK.


The settings from the compressed file are imported into IBM MQ Explorer.

For information about importing queue manager sets, see: Importing and exporting queue manager sets.