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Pinging a channel to verify a connection

When you define a channel, we must define both ends of the channel correctly otherwise the channel does not work. We can test that you correctly defined a channel by sending data as a special message to the remote queue manager, and checking that the data is returned. The data is generated by the local queue manager.

About this task

You must ping from the sender or server end of the channel. We cannot ping a channel that is running; before you ping a channel, make sure that the channel is stopped or is not trying again.

To ping a channel, complete the following steps.


In the Content view, right-click the sender or server channel definition, then click Ping.


If the channel is correctly defined, a message is displayed saying: IBM MQ successfully sent data to the remote queue manager and received the data returned. (AMQ4006)

If the channel is not correctly defined, an error message is displayed describing why you could not ping the channel.

Parent topic: Create and configure queue managers and objects

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Related reference

Last updated: 2020-10-04