Running the .NET sample applications

We can run the .NET sample applications interactively in either simple or advanced mode, or noninteractively by using auto-generated or customized response files.

Before starting

Before running any of the supplied sample applications, we must first set up the messaging server environment so that the applications can connect to a server. See Set up the messaging server environment.


To run a .NET sample application, complete the following steps: Tip: When we are running a sample application, type ? at any time to get help about what to do next.

  1. Select the mode in which we want to run the sample application. Type either Advanced or Simple.
  2. Answer the questions. To select the default value, which is shown in the brackets at the end of the question, press Enter. To select a different value, type the appropriate value, and press Enter.

    Here is an example question:

    Enter connection type [wpm]:

    In this case, the default value is wpm (connection to a WebSphere Application Server service integration bus).


When you run the sample applications, response files are generated automatically in the current working directory. Response file names are in the format connection_type-sample_type.rsp; for example, wpm-producer.rsp. If required, you can use the generated response file to rerun the sample application with the same options, so that we do not have to enter the options again.

Parent topic: Use the XMS sample applications

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