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URI format for XMS initial contexts

The location of the repository of administered objects is provided as a uniform resource indicator (URI). The format of the URI depends on the context type.

FileSystem context

For the FileSystem context, the URL gives the location of the file system based directory. The structure of the URL is as defined by RFC 1738, Uniform Resource Locators (URL): the URL has the prefix file://, and the syntax following this prefix is a valid definition of a file that can be opened on the system on which XMS is running.

This syntax can be platform-specific, and can use either '/ separators or '\' separators. If you use '\', then each separator needs to be escaped by using an additional '\'. This prevents the .NET framework from trying to interpret the separator as an escape character for what follows.

These examples illustrate this syntax:


LDAP context

For the LDAP context, the basic structure of the URL is as defined by RFC 2255, The LDAP URL Format, with the case-insensitive prefix ldap://

The precise syntax is illustrated in the following example:


This syntax is as defined in the RFC but without support for any attributes, scope, filters, or extensions.

Examples of this syntax include:


WSS context

For the WSS context, the URL is in the form of a web services endpoint, with the prefix http://.

Alternatively, we can use the prefix cosnaming:// or wsvc://,

These two prefixes are interpreted as meaning that we are using a WSS context with the URL accessed over http, which enables the initial context type to be derived easily directly from the URL.

Examples of this syntax include the following:

Parent topic: Work with administered objects

Last updated: 2020-10-04