Properties used to configure JMS client behavior

Use these properties to configure the behavior of the JMS client. TRUE|FALSE
    The JMS 2.0 specification introduces changes to the way certain behaviors work. IBM MQ Version 8.0 includes the property, which can be set to TRUE, to revert these changed behaviors back to previous implementations. Reverting the changed behaviors might be necessary some for JMS 2.0 applications, and also for some applications that use the JMS 1.1 API but run against the IBM MQ Version 8.0 IBM MQ classes for JMS.

      The following three areas of functionality are reverted by setting SupportMQExtensions to TRUE:

        Message priority
        Messages can be assigned a priority, 0 - 9. Before JMS 2.0, messages could also use the value -1, indicating that a queue's default priority is used. JMS 2.0 does not allow a message priority of -1 to be set. Turning on SupportMQExtensions allows the value of -1 to be used.

        Client id
        The JMS 2.0 specification requires that non-null client ids are checked for uniqueness when they make a connection. Turning on SupportMQExtensions, means that this requirement is disregarded, and that a client ID can be reused.

        The JMS 2.0 specification requires that when this constant is turned on, a consumer cannot receive messages that are published by the same client ID. Before JMS 2.0, this attribute was set on a subscriber to prevent it receiving messages that are published by its own connection. Turning on SupportMQExtensions reverts this behavior to its previous implementation.

      The changes of behavior are retained. TRUE|FALSE
    From IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 2, after an application has sent a Bytes or Stream message, IBM MQ classes for JMS can set the state of the message that has just been sent to either read only, or write only.

      The objects are set to read only after being sent. Setting this value maintains compatibility with the JMS 2.0 specification

      The objects are set to write only after being sent. This is the default value.

Parent topic: The IBM MQ classes for JMS configuration file

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