Installing and configuring IBM MQ classes for JMS

This section describes the directories and files that are created when you install IBM MQ classes for JMS and tells you how to configure IBM MQ classes for JMS after installation.

  • What is installed for IBM MQ classes for JMS
    A number of files and directories are created when you install IBM MQ classes for JMS. On Windows, some configuration is performed during installation by automatically setting environment variables. On other platforms, and in certain Windows environments, we must set environment variables before we can run IBM MQ classes for JMS applications.
  • Running IBM MQ classes for JMS applications under the Java Security Manager
    IBM MQ classes for JMS can run with the Java security manager enabled. To run applications successfully with the Java Security Manager enabled, we must configure your Java virtual machine (JVM) with a suitable policy configuration file.
  • Post installation setup for IBM MQ classes for JMS applications
    This topic tells you what authorities IBM MQ classes for JMS applications need in order to access the resources of a queue manager. It also introduces connection modes and describes how to configure a queue manager so that applications can connect in client mode.
  • The point-to-point IVT for IBM MQ classes for JMS
    A point-to-point installation verification test (IVT) program is supplied with IBM MQ classes for JMS. The program connects to a queue manager in either bindings or client mode, sends a message to the queue called SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE, and then receives the message from the queue. The program can create and configure all the objects that it requires dynamically at run time, or it can use JNDI to retrieve administered objects from a directory service.
  • The publish/subscribe IVT for IBM MQ classes for JMS
    A publish/subscribe installation verification test (IVT) program is supplied with IBM MQ classes for JMS. The program connects to a queue manager in either bindings or client mode, subscribes to a topic, publishes a message on the topic, and then receives the message that it has just published. The program can create and configure all the objects that it requires dynamically at run time, or it can use JNDI to retrieve administered objects from a directory service.
  • Use the IBM MQ classes for JMS sample applications
    The IBM MQ classes for JMS sample applications provide an overview of the common features of the JMS API. We can use them to verify your installation and messaging server set up and to help you build your own applications.
  • Scripts provided with IBM MQ classes for JMS
    A number of scripts are provided to assist with common tasks that need to be performed when using IBM MQ classes for JMS.
  • Support for OSGi
    OSGi provides a framework that supports the deployment of applications as bundles. Nine OSGi bundles are supplied as part of the IBM MQ classes for JMS.
  • Solving problems with IBM MQ classes for JMS
    We can investigate problems by running the installation verification programs, and by using the trace and log facilities.

Parent topic: Use IBM MQ classes for JMS

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