Writing channel exit programs on IBM i

We can use the following information to help you write and compile channel-exit programs for IBM i.

The exit is a program object written in the ILE C, ILE RPG, or ILE COBOL language. The exit program names and their libraries are named in the channel definition.

Observe the following conditions when creating and compiling an exit program:

  • The program must be made thread safe and created with the ILE C, ILE RPG, or ILE COBOL compiler. For ILE RPG we must specify the THREAD(*SERIALIZE) control specification, and for ILE COBOL you must specify SERIALIZE for the THREAD option of the PROCESS statement. The programs must also be bound to the threaded IBM MQ libraries: QMQM/LIBMQM_R in the case of ILE C and ILE RPG, and AMQ0STUB_R in the case of ILE COBOL. For additional information about making RPG or COBOL applications thread safe, refer to the appropriate Programmer's Guide for the language.
  • IBM MQ for IBM i requires that the exit programs are enabled for teraspace support. (Teraspace is a form of shared memory introduced in OS/400 V4R4.) For the ILE RPG and COBOL compilers, any programs compiled on OS/400 V4R4 or later are so enabled. For C, the programs must be compiled with the TERASPACE(*YES *TSIFC) options specified on CRTCMOD or CRTBNDC commands.
  • An exit returning a pointer to its own buffer space must ensure that the object pointed to exists beyond the time span of the channel-exit program. The pointer cannot be the address of a variable on the program stack, nor of a variable in the program heap. Instead, the pointer must be obtained from the system. An example is a user space created in the user exit. To ensure that any data area allocated by the channel-exit program is still available for the MCA when the program ends, the channel exit must run in the activation group of the caller or a named activation group. Do this by setting the ACTGRP parameter on CRTPGM to a user-defined value or *CALLER. If the program is created in this way, the channel-exit program can allocate dynamic memory and pass a pointer to this memory back to the MCA.

Parent topic: Writing channel-exit programs

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