Configure Managed File Transfer for z/OS

Managed File Transfer for z/OS requires customization to enable the component to operate correctly.

We need to:

  1. Edit a PDSE member to specify configuration data
  2. Define the coordination queue manager.
  3. Define the command queue manager
  4. Configure one or more agents

  5. Optionally: configure a logger task to store data in Db2

The sequence of tasks we need to perform is detailed in the following topics.

  • Reviewing the MFT configuration
    We need to review the configuration of our system before you begin.
  • Before you start
    Managed File Transfer (MFT) configuration uses files in UNIX System Services (USS) and PDSE data sets.
  • Items to check
    Ensure that we have enough disk space, a directory for storing data, and that the requisite files exist.
  • Common MFT for z/OS configurations
    An overview of the different Managed File Transfer configurations
  • The MFT credentials file
    The MFT credentials file, MQMFTCredentials.xml, is used to hold user ID and password information. We can have one MFT credentials file for the coordination queue manager, one for the command queue manager, one for each agent, and one for each logger.
  • Copy SCSQFCMD to create a JCL library
    We need to create a JCL library for each agent and logger. The JCL contains the configuration and jobs used to create and run the agent or logger.
  • Editing member BFGCUSTM
    We must edit member BFGCUSTM, and enter the values for the parameters that your enterprise uses, before you run the job.
  • Defining the coordination queue manager
    Managed File Transfer requires a queue manager to be created that acts as the coordination queue manager.
  • Defining the command queue manager
    We can either use the same queue manager as the coordination and command queue managers, or create a new command queue manager.
  • Create an agent
    We need to copy the PDSE to make the agent-specific PDSE, for example user.MFT.AGENT1. Copy the PDSE from a previous agent or logger configuration, if they exist. If this is your first configuration, copy the PDSE supplied with MFT.
  • Use the agent
    How we use various commands to ensure that the agent is working correctly.
  • Updating an existing MFT Agent or Logger command data set on z/OS
    We can update an Managed File Transfer command PDSE library data set that is created from the Managed File Transfer command template data set.
  • Performing a verification transfer
    How you carry out a transfer to check that the product is working correctly.
  • Configure a logging task
    The logging task needs run on the same image as the coordination queue manager. We can log to Db2.
  • Environment variables for MFT on z/OS
    If we are running commands direct from the USS environment, or your own JCL scripts, after customization and configuration we must set a number of environment variables before running the configuration and administration scripts provided by Managed File Transfer. We must set these variables for each user and in each environment that the scripts will be invoked from.
  • Configuration properties files
    A summary of the properties that are used in Managed File Transfer.
  • Configure MFT for the z/OS Automatic Restart Manager (ARM)
    Managed File Transfer is an ARM enabled application.
  • Example: Creating JCL for Managed File Transfer agents on z/OS
    Use this information to generate some JCL that can be used to create and start an agent on IBM MQ for z/OS.
  • Moving an MFT agent to a new z/OS LPAR
    It is sometimes necessary to move an IBM MQ Managed File Transfer for z/OS agent from one LPAR to another, while keeping the agent in the same IBM MQ Managed File Transfer topology with the same coordination and command queue managers. The steps needed to do this depend on how the agent being migrated was originally created.

Parent topic: Configure Managed File Transfer

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