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Create procedures for the IBM MQ queue manager

Each IBM MQ subsystem needs a cataloged procedure to start the queue manager. We can create your own or use the IBM-supplied procedure library.

  • Repeat this task for each IBM MQ queue manager.
  • We might need to modify the cataloged procedure when migrating from a previous version.

For each IBM MQ subsystem defined in the subsystem name table, create a cataloged procedure in a procedure library for starting the queue manager. The IBM-supplied procedure library is called SYS1.PROCLIB, but your installation might use its own naming convention.

The name of the queue manager started task procedure is formed by concatenating the subsystem name with the characters MSTR. For example, subsystem CSQ1 has the procedure name CSQ1MSTR. You need one procedure for each subsystem you define.

We need to include the library containing messages in your selected language:

  • thlqual.SCSQSNLE, for US English mixed case
  • thlqual.SCSQSNLU, for US English uppercase
  • thlqual.SCSQSNLK, for Japanese
  • thlqual.SCSQSNLF, for French
  • thlqual.SCSQSNLC, for Chinese

Many examples and instructions in this product documentation assume that we have a subsystem called CSQ1. We might find these examples easier to use if a subsystem called CSQ1 is created initially for installation verification and testing purposes.

Two sample started task procedures are provided in thlqual.SCSQPROC. Member CSQ4MSTR uses one page set for each class of message, member CSQ4MSRR uses multiple page sets for the major classes of message. Copy one of these procedures to member xxxxMSTR (where xxxx is the name of the IBM MQ subsystem) of our SYS1.PROCLIB or, if we are not using SYS1.PROCLIB, your procedure library. Copy the sample procedure to a member in your procedure library for each IBM MQ subsystem that you define.

When you have copied the members, we can tailor them to the requirements of each subsystem, using the instructions in the member. For information about specifying limits of storage used by the queue manager, see Suggested region sizes. We can also use symbolic parameters in the JCL to allow the procedure to be modified when it is started. If we have several IBM MQ subsystems, you might find it advantageous to use JCL include groups for the common parts of the procedure, to simplify future maintenance.

If we are using queue sharing groups, the STEPLIB concatenation must include the Db2 runtime target library SDSNLOAD, and it must be APF-authorized. This library is only required in the STEPLIB concatenation if it is not accessible through the link list or LPA.

If we are using Advanced Message Security the STEPLIB concatenation must include thlqual.SDRQAUTH and it must be APF authorized.

  1. We can make a note of the names of our bootstrap data set (BSDS), logs, and page sets for use in JCL and then define these sets at a later step in the process.
  2. Sample started task procedures CSQ4MSTR and CSQ4MSRR have been updated to include, but leave commented out, the CSQMINI DD card that can be used to define a QMINI data set that contains transport security, that is, SSL or TLS properties.

    We can use The QMINI data set to enable or disable TLS 1.3 support and/or be used to define a custom list of CipherSpecs to be used by channels.

Parent topic: Configure the queue manager and channel initiator

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Last updated: 2020-10-04