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The com.ibm.mq.ipt.exit.IPTCertificate class

This class contains the SSL/TLS certificate to be validated.


    public int getVersion()

    This method returns the version of this class.

    public byte [] getDerEncoding()

    This method returns the ASN.1/DER encoding of the X.509 certificate, or NULL if there is an error.

    public byte [] getPemEncoding()

    This method returns the PEM (BASE64) encoding of the X.509 certificate, or NULL if there is an error.

    public String getLabel()

    This method returns the certificate label, or NULL if there is an error.

    public String getName()
    This method returns the Distinguished Name of the certificate, or NULL if not available. For example:
    CN=Test Queue Manager,OU=Sales,O=Example,L=London,C=GB

    public String getIssuerName()
    This method returns the issuer's Distinguished Name of the certificate, or NULL if not available. For example:
    CN=Certificate Authority,OU=Security,O=Example,L=New York,C=US

    public IPTCertificate getSigner()

    This method returns the signer certificate, or NULL if not available. For a self-signed certificate it will return a reference to itself.

    public String toString()

    This method returns a string representation of the certificate.

Parent topic: Certificate exit

Last updated: 2020-10-04