If we do not receive a reply

There are a series of steps we can take if we do not receive a response to request to the command server.

If we do not receive a reply to your request message, work through this checklist:

  • Is the command server running?
  • Is the WaitInterval long enough?
  • Are the system-command input and reply-to queues correctly defined?
  • Were the MQOPEN calls to these queues successful?
  • Are both the system-command input and reply-to queues enabled for MQPUT and MQGET calls?
  • Have you considered increasing the MAXDEPTH and MAXMSGL attributes of our queues?
  • Are we are using the CorrelId and MsgId fields correctly?
  • Is the queue manager still running?
  • Was the command built correctly?
  • Are all your remote links defined and operating correctly?
  • Were the MQPUT calls correctly defined?
  • Has the reply-to queue been defined as a temporary dynamic queue instead of a permanent dynamic queue? (If the request message is persistent, we must use a permanent dynamic queue for the reply.)

When the command server generates replies but cannot write them to the reply-to queue that you specify, it writes them to the dead-letter queue.

Parent topic: Writing programs to administer IBM MQ for z/OS