DLQ pattern-matching keywords on IBM i

The pattern-matching keywords are described in an example. Use these keywords to specify values against which messages on the IBM i dead-letter queue are matched. All pattern-matching keywords are optional.

    APPLIDAT ( ApplIdentityData|* )
    The ApplIdentityData value of the message on the DLQ, specified in the message descriptor, MQMD.

    APPLNAME ( PutApplName|* )
    The name of the application that issued the MQPUT or MQPUT1 call, as specified in the PutApplName field of the message descriptor, MQMD, of the message on the DLQ.

    APPLTYPE ( PutApplType|* )
    The PutApplType value specified in the message descriptor, MQMD, of the message on the DLQ.

    DESTQ ( QueueName|* )
    The name of the message queue for which the message is destined.

    DESTQM ( QueueManagerName|* )
    The queue manager name for the message queue for which the message is destined.

    FEEDBACK ( Feedback|* )
    When the MsgType value is MQMT_REPORT, Feedback describes the nature of the report.

    We can use symbolic names. For example, we can use the symbolic name MQFB_COA to identify those messages on the DLQ that require confirmation of their arrival on their destination queues.

    FORMAT ( Format|* )
    The name that the sender of the message uses to describe the format of the message data.

    MSGTYPE ( MsgType|* )
    The message type of the message on the DLQ.

    We can use symbolic names. For example, we can use the symbolic name MQMT_REQUEST to identify those messages on the DLQ that require replies.

    PERSIST ( Persistence|* )
    The persistence value of the message. (The persistence of a message determines whether it survives restarts of the queue manager.)

    We can use symbolic names. For example, we can use the symbolic name MQPER_PERSISTENT to identify those messages on the DLQ that are persistent.

    REASON ( ReasonCode|* )
    The reason code that describes why the message was put to the DLQ.

    We can use symbolic names. For example, we can use the symbolic name MQRC_Q_FULL to identify those messages placed on the DLQ because their destination queues were full.

    REPLYQ ( QueueName|* )
    The reply-to queue name specified in the message descriptor, MQMD, of the message on the DLQ.

    REPLYQM ( QueueManagerName|* )
    The queue manager name of the reply-to queue specified in the REPLYQ keyword.

    USERID ( UserIdentifier|* )
    The user ID of the user who originated the message on the DLQ, as specified in the message descriptor, MQMD.

Parent topic: DLQ rules (patterns and actions) on IBM i