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Create a task definition document by modifying a generated document

We can create the monitor task definition document by modifying the XML document generated by the -gt option of fteCreateTransfer.

About this task

The generated document has a <request> followed by <managedTransfer> element. To convert this task definition to a valid <managedCall> structure, follow these steps:


  1. Replace the <managedTransfer> start and end tags with <managedCall> tags.
  2. Remove any <schedule> element and child nodes.
  3. Replace the <sourceAgent> start and end tags with <agent> to match the monitoring agent configuration details.
  4. Remove <destinationAgent> and <trigger> elements.
  5. Remove <item> elements.
  6. Insert a new <call>...</call> structure within the <transferSet> element. This structure contains the command definition as shown in the following example:
           	<command name="RunCleanup.xml" type="antscript" retryCount="2" 
              retryWait="30" successRC="0">
           	<property name="trigger.filename" value="${FileName}"/>
           	<property name="trigger.path" value="${FilePath}"/>


We can also retain the <managedTransfer> element including all the file transfer details, and insert up to four command calls. In this case you insert any selection of the following call elements between the <metaDataSet> and <item> elements:

    Call a program on the source agent before starting the transfer.

    Call a program on the source agent after completing the transfer.

    Call a program on the destination agent before starting the transfer.

    Call a program on the destination agent after completing the transfer.

Each of these elements takes the <command> element structure as described in the earlier example. The FileTransfer.xsd schema defines the types used by the various call elements.

The following example shows preSourceCall, postSourceCall, preDestinationCall, and postDestinationCall in a task definition document:

    <transferSet priority="1">
         <metaData key="key1">value1</metaData>
         <command name="send.exe" retryCount="0" retryWait="0" successRC="0"  
         <command name="//DO_IT.JCL" retryCount="0" retryWait="0" successRC="0" 
         <command name="ant_script.xml" retryCount="0" retryWait="0" successRC="0" 
           <property name="name" value="value"/>
         <command name="runit.cmd" retryCount="0" retryWait="0" successRC="0" />
       <item checksumMethod="none" mode="binary">
You can mix different types of command into the transfer. Argument, target, and property elements are optional. Parent topic: Configure MFT monitor tasks to start commands and scripts

Last updated: 2020-10-04