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Properties of an XMS message

XMS supports three kinds of message property: JMS defined properties, IBM® defined properties, and application-defined properties.

An XMS application can exchange messages with a WebSphere JMS application because XMS supports the following predefined properties of a Message object:

Each predefined property has two names:

In addition to the predefined properties, an XMS application can create and use its own set of message properties. These properties are called application defined properties.

After an application creates a message, the properties of the message are readable and writable. The properties remain readable and writable after the application sends the message. When an application receives a message, the properties of the message are read-only. If an application calls the Clear Properties method of the Message class when the properties of a message are read-only, the properties become readable and writable. The method also clears the properties.

The received message, when forwarded after clearing up the message properties, will behave in a manner consistent with the behavior of forwarding a standard WMQ XMS for .NET BytesMessage with message properties cleared up.

This is, however, not recommended since the following properties will be lost:

To determine the values of all the properties of a message, an application can call the Get Properties method of the Message class. The method creates an iterator that encapsulates a list of Property objects, where each Property object represents a property of the message. The application can then use the methods of the Iterator class to retrieve each Property object in turn, and it can use the methods of the Property class to retrieve the name, data type, and value of each property.