Data type:

    Property of:

The peer name to be used on an SSL connection to a queue manager.

There is no list of canonical values for this property. Instead, you must build this string according to the rules for SSLPEER.

An example of a peer name is:

"CN=John Smith, O=IBM ,OU=Test , C=GB"

XMS copies the string into the correct single-byte code page, and places the correct values into MQCD.SSLPeerNamePtr and MQCD.SSLPeerNameLength before calling MQCONNX.

This property is relevant only if the application connects to a queue manager in client mode.

For .NET only: From IBM MQ Version 8.0, managed connections to IBM MQ (WMQ_CM_CLIENT) and unmanaged connections to IBM MQ (WMQ_CM_CLIENT_UNMANAGED) both support TLS/SSL connections.

By default, the property is not set.