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Use MFT transfer I/O user exits

We can use Managed File Transfer transfer I/O user exits to configure custom code to perform the underlying file system I/O work for Managed File Transfer transfers.

Usually for MFT transfers, an agent selects from one of the built-in I/O providers to interact with the appropriate file systems for the transfer. Built-in I/O providers support the following types of file system:

For file systems that are not supported, or where you require custom I/O behavior, we can write a transfer I/O user exit.

Transfer I/O user exits use the existing infrastructure for user exits. However, these transfer I/O user exits differ from other user exits because their function is accessed multiple times throughout the transfer for each file.

Use the agent property IOExitClasses (in the agent.properties file) to specify which I/O exit classes to load. Separate each exit class with a comma, for example:
The Java interfaces for the transfer I/O user exits are as follows: