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Upgrading a protocol bridge agent to use the FTE V7.0.4.1 function

We can upgrade an existing protocol bridge agent that was created in WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Version 7.0.4 or earlier to use the newer WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Version 7.0.4, Fix Pack 1 function. This upgrade allows the agent to support multiple endpoints.

About this task

To upgrade a protocol bridge agent, ensure we have enabled the function for WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Version 7.0.4, Fix Pack 1 and complete the following steps:


  1. Generate a ProtocolBridgeProperties.xml file from the ProtocolBridgeProperties.xsd file in the MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/mqft/samples/schema directory.

    For more information about the content of the ProtocolBridgeProperties.xml file, see Defining properties for protocol file servers using the ProtocolBridgeProperties.xml file.

  2. Put the generated ProtocolBridgeProperties.xml file into the configuration_directory/coordination_queue_manager/agents/agent_name directory.
  3. Copy all protocol bridge properties for the agent you want to migrate from the agent.properties file to the ProtocolBridgeProperties.xml file. The properties that relate to the protocol bridge in the agent.properties file start with protocol.

    You are recommended to delete the protocol bridge properties from the agent.properties file after we have successfully upgraded the protocol bridge agent. However, if we have a default protocol file server, consider keeping the protocol bridge properties in the agent.properties file in step with the values in the ProtocolBridgeProperties.xml file. This means that if you choose to back out the V7.0.4.1 function, the values in the agent.properties file are not outdated.

  4. Update the ProtocolBridgeCredentials.xml file so that it contains the required <server> elements for your protocol file servers. For more information about this file, see Protocol bridge credentials file format.

    Ensure each protocol file server name meets the naming restrictions, that is, the name must be at least 2 characters in length, is not case sensitive, and is limited to alphanumeric characters and the following characters:

    • period (.)
    • underscore (_)
    • forward slash (/)
    • percent sign (%)