What to do if the MFT logger is started, but no transfer information is being logged to the database

The database tables used by the Managed File Transfer logger require the database to have a page size of 8 KB or larger. If the page size of the database is not large enough, the tables are not created properly and you see the error SQLSTATE=42704.

If you are using the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition database logger, you might see the following message in the WebSphere Application Server system out log; if you are using the stand-alone database logger, you might see the following error in the output0.log file:
DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-204, SQLSTATE=42704
The SQLSTATE value of 42704 indicates that a table that the logger expected to exist, in this case FTELOG.TRANSFER_EVENT, does not exist. To fix this problem perform the following steps:
  1. Check that the table exists and is complete. For information about the tables that the logger uses and their columns, see MFT database logger tables.
  2. If the table does not exist or is incomplete, check the page size of the database.
  3. If the database size is less than 8 KB, increase the page size of your database.