Creating an agent
You need to copy the PDSE to make the agent-specific PDSE, for example user.MFT.AGENT1. Copy the PDSE from a previous agent or logger configuration, if they exist. If this is your first configuration, copy the PDSE supplied with MFT.
Review member BFGCUSTM and if you need to use a different credentials file, create one.
Much of the content remains the same from the customization detailed in Editing member BFGCUSTM.
You need to change:- //SYSEXEC DD DSN=SCEN.FTE.JCL.AGENT1
- LIBRARY to match the agent PDSE
- NAME to be the name of the agent ( matching the PDSE) JOBCARD
- Change BFG_JVM_PROPERTIES="-Xmx1024M"
Submit this job, remembering that the job requires exclusive access to the data set.
The jobs for the agent all have names of the form BFGAG*
Rename member BFGAGCR. This job updates files in the Managed File Transfer directory and uses CSQUTIL to create agent specific queues in the local queue manager. Specify the name of your credentials file, for example, -credentialsFile //'SCEN.FTE.JCL.VB(CREDOLD). If we do not specify the name, the job to start the agent does not use a credentials file.
Check the output to ensure that the process has run successfully. Tip: Copy the path name of the file from the output of the job to a member in the PDSE for the agent.For example, copy /u/userid/fte/wmqmft/mqft/config/MQPA/agents/AGENT1/ into member AGENT.
This is useful if you need to display the properties file, and add the line /u/userid/fte/wmqmft/mqft/logs/MQPA/agents/AGENT1/logs.
This is where trace files are stored.