Migrating Managed File Transfer for z/OS agents to a later version
Follow these instructions to migrate an IBM MQ Managed File Transfer for z/OSĀ® agent to a later version. This topic uses Version 8.0 as the initial version and Version 9.0 as the later version.
Important: These instructions assume the following points:
- The coordination queue manager and command queue manager for the Managed File Transfer for z/OS (MFT) topology are not changing during the migration.
- The agent queue manager is not being migrated. The agent queue manager remains at the same IBM MQ for z/OS level before and after the migration.
- The agent being migrated is administered using JCL.
Step 1 - Initial setup
- Install IBM MQ Managed File Transfer for z/OS Version 9.0 onto the same LPAR as IBM MQ Managed File Transfer for z/OS Version 8.0.
- Locate the SBFGCMDS PDSE for IBM MQ MFT Version 9.0.
For more information about the SBFGCMDS PDSE, see The SBFGCMDS library.
- Within this data set, edit the BFGCOPY member to specify the name of the PDSE that is to be used to administer the agent.
- Submit the BFGCOPY member. This copies the existing SBFGCMDS PDSE into a new PDSE with the name that was specified in Step 3.
Step 2 - Modify the new PDSE
- Within the new PDSE that you created using the BFGCOPY member, edit BFGCUSTM and update the following variables:
Variable Value ++library++ Replace this variable with the name of the new PDSE. armELEMENT Set this to the same value that is used by the Version 8.0 agent. armELEMTYPE Set this to the same value that is used by the Version 8.0 agent. BFG_DATA Set this to the same value that is used by the Version 8.0 agent. BFG_GROUP_NAME Set this to the same value that is used by the Version 8.0 agent. BFG_JAVA_HOME This needs to be set to the UNIX System Services (USS) path for the Java Runtime Environment that is to be used to run the agent. Set this to same value that is used by the Version 8.0 agent. BFG_JVM_PROPERTIES Set this to the same value that is used by the Version 8.0 agent. BFG_PROD This variable should be set to the USS path for the IBM MQ Managed File Transfer for z/OS Version 9.0 installation. BFG_WTO Set this to the same value that is used by the Version 8.0 agent. CLEAN_AGENT_PROPS Set this to blank. connectionQMgr Set this to the same value that is used by the Version 8.0 agent. coordinationQMgr Set this to the same value that is used by the Version 8.0 agent. CREDENTIALS_PATH Set this to blank. DB_PROPS_PATH Set this to the same value that is used by the Version 8.0 agent. DLQ_HLQ Set this to the same value that is used by the Version 8.0 agent. FTE_CONFIG Set this to blank. MQ_HLQ Set this to the same value that is used by the Version 8.0 agent. MQ_PATH This variable needs to be set to the USS path for the IBM MQ installation associated with the agent queue manager. NAME Set this to the name of the agent that is being migrated. QM Set this to the same value that is used by the Version 8.0 agent. This ensures that when the agent is running Version 9.0, the agent uses the same agent queue manager that it did when running Version 8.0. SERVICE_TYPE AGENT TMPDIR Set this to the same value that is used by the Version 8.0 agent. - Save the modified BFGCUSTM member.
- Submit BFGCUSTM. The member creates new members within the PDSE that can be used to administer the agent when it is using Version 9.0. Attention: The member requires exclusive access to the PDSE, so you must stop using it while BFGCUSTM is running.
Step 3 - Perform the migration
- Locate the Version 8.0 PDSE that is used to administer the agent.
- Within this PDSE, submit the BFGAGSP member to stop the agent. The agent stops once it has completed all of its managed transfers.
- Next, locate the new Version 9.0 PDSE that has just been created for the agent.
- Inside this PDSE, submit the BFGAGST member. This starts the agent using IBM MQ Managed File Transfer for z/OS Version 9.0