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Java system properties for MFT

A number of Managed File Transfer command and agent properties must be defined as Java system properties, because they define configuration for early function that is unable to use the command or agent properties mechanism.

Define system properties and other JVM options for the JVM that is to run Managed File Transfer commands by defining the environment variable BFG_JVM_PROPERTIES. For example, to set the com.ibm.wmqfte.maxConsoleLineLength property on a UNIX-type platform, define the variable as follows:
export BFG_JVM_PROPERTIES="-Dcom.ibm.wmqfte.maxConsoleLineLength=132"

If you are running an agent as a Windows service, we can modify the agent's Java system properties by specifying the -sj parameter on the fteModifyAgent command.

Table 1. Java system properties
Property name Description Value
com.ibm.wmqfte.maxConsoleLineLength Maximum length of line that can be written to the console. Lines that exceed this length are word wrapped. This value is expressed in bytes (not characters). The default length for IBM® i is 132 bytes. For UNIX, Linux , Windows, and z/OS, the length is unlimited.
com.ibm.wmqfte.daemon.windows.windowsServiceLogFilesm (Windows only.) Specifies the maximum number of Windows service log files to keep. Windows service log files are created in the agent and database logger logs directories if these applications are running as a Windows service. Windows service log files are named with the prefix service, and contain messages about the starting and stopping of the service. 5