MFT credentials file format

The MQMFTCredentials.xml file contains sensitive user ID and password information. The elements in the MQMFTCredentials.xml file must conform to the MQMFTCredentials.xsd schema. The security of credentials files is the responsibility of the user.

From Version 9.0.0, Fix Pack 2 and Version 9.0.3, we can disable the default compatibility mode and enable MQCSP authentication for a Managed File Transfer agent by adding a new parameter, useMQCSPAuthentication, to the MFT credentials file MQMFTCredentials.xml for the relevant user and setting it to true. For more information, see Enabling MQCSP authentication mode.

From Version 8.0, the MQMFTCredentials.xsd file can also be a PDSE member on z/OS®.

Before IBM® WebSphere MQ Version 7.5 the information contained in the MQMFTCredentials.xml file was held in separate properties files.

The MQMFTCredentials.xml file must conform to the MQMFTCredentials.xsd schema. The MQMFTCredentials.xml schema document is located in the MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/mqft/samples/schema directory of the Managed File Transfer installation.


The following schema describes which elements are valid in the MQMFTCredentials.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    Version: %Z% %I% %W% %E% %U% [%H% %T%]

    Licensed Materials - Property of IBM


    Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2020. All Rights Reserved.

    disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with
	  IBM Corp.

    This schema defines the format of an MQMFTCredentials file. Files of this type
    store credential information for agent and logger processes. They can contain
    user names and passwords either in clear text or which have been obfuscated
    using the fteObfuscate command.

  <!-- Example mqmftCredentials.xml file:    
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>    
    <tns:mqmftCredentials xmlns:tns=""                           
      xsi:schemaLocation=" MQMFTCredentials.xsd">      

      <tns:logger name="LOG1"   user="user1"            password="passw0rd"/>      
      <tns:logger name="ORACLE" userCipher="kj2h3dfkgf" passwordCipher="la3n67eaer"/>     
      <tns:file   path="/home/emma/trust.jks"           password="passw0rd"/>      
      <tns:file   path="/var/tmp/keystore.jks"          passwordCipher="e71vKCg2pf"/> 

      <tns:qmgr   name="QM_COORD" user="tim" mqUserId="user1"  mqPassword="passw0rd"/>      
      <tns:qmgr   name="QM_COORD" user="tom" mqUserId="user1"  mqPasswordCipher="e71vKCg2pf"/>
 <tns:qmgr   name="QM_COORD" user="ernest" mqUserId="ernest"  mqPassword="AveryL0ngPassw0rd2135" useMQCSPAuthentication="true"/>         
<schema targetNamespace=""

  <element name="mqmftCredentials" type="tns:mqmftCredentialsType"/>

  <complexType name="mqmftCredentialsType">
      <choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <element name="logger" type="tns:loggerType"/> 
        <element name="file"   type="tns:fileType"/>
        <element name="qmgr"   type="tns:mqUserPassType"/>

  <complexType name="loggerType">
    <attribute name="name"           type="string" use="required"/>
    <attribute name="user"           type="string" use="optional"/>
    <attribute name="userCipher"     type="string" use="optional"/>
    <attribute name="password"       type="string" use="optional"/>
    <attribute name="passwordCipher" type="string" use="optional"/>

  <complexType name="fileType">
    <attribute name="path"           type="string" use="required"/>
    <attribute name="password"       type="string" use="optional"/>
    <attribute name="passwordCipher" type="string" use="optional"/>

  <!-- Example XML: 

  <tns:qmgr   name="QM_COORD" user="tim" mqUserId="user1"  mqPassword="passw0rd"/>
  <tns:qmgr   name="QM_COORD" user="tom" mqUserIdCipher="xh5U7812x"  mqPasswordCipher="e71vKCg2pf"/>
  <tns:qmgr   name="QM_COORD" mqUserId="defaultUser"  mqPassword="passw0rd"/>
  <tns:qmgr   name="QM_COORD" user="ernest" mqUserId="ernest" mqPassword="AveryL0ngPassw0rd2135" useMQCSPAuthentication="true"/>

  <complexType name="mqUserPassType">
    <attribute name="name"             type="string" use="required"/>
    <attribute name="user"             type="string" use="optional"/>
    <attribute name="mqUserId"         type="string" use="optional"/>
    <attribute name="mqUserIdCipher"   type="string" use="optional"/>
    <attribute name="mqPassword"       type="string" use="optional"/>
    <attribute name="mqPasswordCipher" type="string" use="optional"/>
 <attribute name="useMQCSPAuthentication" type="boolean" use="optional"/>


Understanding the MQMFTCredentials.xml file

The elements and attributes used in the MQMFTCredentials.xml file are described in the following list.

    The root element of the XML document.
    The file in the transfer.
    Attribute Description
    path Path to the key or truststore file being accessed.
    password Password to access the file.
    The logger responsible for logging activity.
    Attribute Description
    name The name of the logger.
    user The user name the logger will use to connect to its database.
    password The password the logger will use to connect to its database.
    The IBM MQ queue manager connection.
    Attribute Description
    name The name of the associated IBM MQ queue manager.
    user Optional: The name of user requesting the connection.
    mqUserId or mqUserIdCipher The clear text user ID (mqUserId), or obfuscated text user ID (mqUserIdCipher) to supply to an IBM MQ queue manager.
    mqPassword or mqPasswordCipher The clear text password (mqPassword), or obfuscated text password (mqPasswordCipher) to supply to an IBM MQ queue manager.

Note: The MQMFTCredentials.xml file can contain sensitive information, so when it is created ensure that the file permissions are reviewed. When using a sandbox, set to it be excluded. For more information on sandboxes, see Working with MFT agent sandboxes.