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Install the MFT stand-alone file logger

The stand-alone file logger is a Java™ process that must connect to a coordination queue manager using IBM MQ bindings. To define a stand-alone file logger use the fteCreateLogger command and follow the steps in this topic.

About this task

For more information about the stand-alone file logger, see Configure an MFT logger. The steps in this topic configure a logger to connect to a coordination queue manager. For alternative logger configurations see Alternative configurations for an MFT stand-alone logger

The stand-alone file logger is not supported on z/OS® or IBM i.


  1. Ensure that we have the Managed File Transfer Logger component installed. For more information, see Managed File Transfer product options
  2. Run the fteCreateLogger command specifying the coordination queue manager, and setting the parameter -loggerType to FILE to create your stand-alone file logger. For more information, see fteCreateLogger: create an MFT file or database logger.
  3. Optional: If you want to use a custom format then we can modify the XML file created by the fteCreateLogger command. The log format definition is located in the FileLoggerFormat.xml file. For more information, see MFT stand-alone file logger format.
  4. Run the MQSC commands, provided by the fteCreateLogger command, against your coordination queue manager to create the logger queues.
  5. Identify a user to run the logger process and configure permissions for that user. For more information, see Configure user access for an MFT stand-alone file logger.
  6. Optional: We can configure the stand-alone file logger further by editing the logger.properties file created when you ran the fteCreateLogger command. This file is a Java properties file that consists of key-value pairs. The logger.properties file is in the MQ_DATA_PATH/mqft/config/coordination_qmgr_name/loggers/logger_name directory. For more information about available properties and their affects, see MFT logger configuration properties.
  7. Optional: If you are using a Windows system, we can run the stand-alone file logger as a Windows service. Run the fteModifyLogger command with the -s parameter. For more information, see fteModifyLogger: run an MFT logger as a Windows service.
  8. Start the stand-alone file logger with the fteStartLogger command. For more information, see fteStartLogger.

    If you carried out the previous step and used the fteModifyLogger command with the -s parameter on Windows, the stand-alone file logger starts as a Windows service.

  9. Check the logger output. The stand-alone file logger generates two types of output, file transfer audit data and logger diagnostic data. The file transfer audit data can be found in MQ_DATA_PATH/mqft/logs/coordination_qmgr_name/loggers/logger_name/logs. The logger diagnostic data can be found in MQ_DATA_PATH/mqft/logs/coordination_qmgr_name/loggers/logger_name
  10. We can stop the logger by using the fteStopLogger command. For more information, see fteStopLogger.
