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fte:filemove Ant task

The fte:filemove task moves files between Managed File Transfer agents. When a file has been successfully transferred from the source agent to the destination agent, the file is deleted from the source agent.


Parameters specified as nested elements

If fte:presrc, fte:predst, fte:postsrc, fte:postdst, and exits do not return a success status, the rules are as follows in the order specified:

  1. Run the source start exits. If source start exits fail the transfer fails and nothing further is run.
  2. Run the pre-source call (when present). If the pre-source call fails, the transfer fails and nothing further is run.
  3. Run the destination start exits. If the destination start exits fail the transfer fails and nothing further is run.
  4. Run the pre-destination call (when present). If the pre-destination call fails, the transfer fails and nothing further is run.
  5. Perform the file transfers.
  6. Run the destination end exits. There is no failure status for these exits.
  7. If the transfer is successful (if some files transfer successfully, the transfer is considered successful), run the post-destination call (if present). If the post-destination call fails, the transfer fails.
  8. Run the source end exits. There is no failure status for these exits.
  9. If the transfer is successful, run the post-source call (if present). If the post-source call fails, the transfer fails.


This example shows a basic file move between agent1 and agent2. The command to start the file move is sent to a queue manager called qm0, using a client transport mode connection. The result of the file transfer operation is assigned to the property called move.result.
<fte:filemove cmdqm="qm0@localhost@1414@SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN" 
              src=agent1@qm1 dst="agent2@qm2"
    <fte:filespec srcfilespec="/home/fteuser1/file.bin" dstfile="/home/fteuser2/file.bin"/>
