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fteDeleteMonitor: delete an MFT resource monitor

Use the fteDeleteMonitor command to stop and delete an existing Managed File Transfer resource monitor using the command line. Issue this command against the resource monitoring agent.


Use the fteDeleteMonitor command to stop monitoring a resource and remove the monitor's definition from the monitoring agent. When you run this command, no more polls of the resource occur and no further tasks are started.

We can run the fteDeleteMonitor command from any system that can connect to the IBM MQ network and subsequently route to the agent's queue manager. Specifically for the command to run, you must have installed a Managed File Transfer component (either Service or Agent) on this system and you must have configured this system's Managed File Transfer to communicate with the IBM MQ network. If no connectivity details are available, the agent queue manager details are used for connection instead, provided these details are available.

Specify the optional -p parameter for this command only if you want to use a set of configuration options different from your default set. See Configuration options for more information.



fteDeleteMonitor-ma(monitoring_agent_name)  -mn (monitor_name)  -mm (monitoring_agent_qmgr_name)-mquseriduserID-mqpasswordpassword-p(configuration_options)



In this example, the resource monitor MONITOR1 with a monitoring (and file transfer source agent) AGENT1 is deleted:
fteDeleteMonitor -ma AGENT1 -mm QM_JUPITER -mn MONITOR1

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