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What to do if transfers to PDS or PDS members through the Connect:Direct bridge are failing

If the destination of a transfer is a Connect:Direct® node on z/OS® and is a PDS or PDS member, the transfer fails if the -de parameter has not been specified with a value of overwrite.

About this task

If you submitted the transfer by using the fteCreateTransfer or fteCreateTemplate command, perform the following steps:


  1. Change the command that you submitted to include -de overwrite.
  2. Submit the command again.

Use the IBM MQ Explorer plugin

About this task

If you submitted the transfer by using the IBM MQ Explorer plugin, perform the following steps:


  1. Specify the source and destination information in the Create New Managed File Transfer wizard.
  2. Select Overwrite files on the destination file system that have the same name.
  3. Submit the command again.