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Connect:Direct node properties file format

The ConnectDirectNodeProperties.xml file in the Connect:Direct® bridge agent configuration directory specifies information about remote Connect:Direct nodes that are involved in a file transfer.

The ConnectDirectNodeProperties.xml file must conform to the ConnectDirectNodeProperties.xsd schema. The ConnectDirectNodeProperties.xsd schema document is located in the MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/mqft/samples/schema directory of the MFT installation. A template ConnectDirectNodeProperties.xml file is created by the fteCreateCDAgent command in the agent configuration directory.

The file ConnectDirectNodeProperties.xml is periodically reloaded by the agent and any valid changes to the file will affect the behavior of the agent. The default reload interval is 30 seconds. This interval can be changed by specifying the agent property xmlConfigReloadInterval in the agent.properties file.


The following schema describes which elements are valid in the ConnectDirectNodeProperties.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<schema targetNamespace="http://wmqfte.ibm.com/ConnectDirectNodeProperties"

  <element name="nodeProperties" type="tns:nodePropertiesType"></element>	

  <complexType name="nodePropertiesType">
      <element name="credentialsFile" type="tns:credentialsFileName" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
      <element name="node" type="tns:nodeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"></element>

  <complexType name="nodeType">
    <attribute name="name" type="string" use="required" />
    <attribute name="pattern" type="tns:patternType" use="optional" />
    <attribute name="type" type="string" use="required" />

  <simpleType name="patternType">
    <restriction base="string">
      <enumeration value="regex" />
      <enumeration value="wildcard" />


Understanding the ConnectDirectNodeProperties.xml file

The elements and attributes used in the ConnectDirectNodeProperties.xml file are described in the following list.


In this example, the Connect:Direct credentials filename is specified as ConnectDirectCredentials.xml. The example code specifies the following platform connections:

The Connect:Direct bridge agent searches for matches from the start of the file to the end, and uses the first match that it finds.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 	
<tns:nodeProperties xmlns:tns="http://wmqfte.ibm.com/ConnectDirectNodeProperties"

    <tns:credentialsFile path="ConnectDirectCredentials.xml" />
    <tns:node name="cdnodew*" pattern="wildcard" type="windows" />
    <tns:node name="cdnodeu.*" pattern="regex" type="unix" />
    <tns:node name="cdnodez*" pattern="wildcard" type="zos" 
    <tns:node name="*" pattern="wildcard" type="unix" />
