JMS provider version troubleshooting

Use the advice that is given here to help you to resolve common problems that can arise when you are connecting to a queue manager with a specified provider version.

JMS 2.0 function is not supported with this connection error

  • Error code: JMSCC5008
  • Scenario: You receive a JMS 2.0 function is not supported with this connection error.
  • Explanation: The use of the JMS 2.0 functionality is only supported when connecting to an IBM MQ Version 8.0 or later queue manager that is using IBM MQ messaging provider Version 8 mode.
  • Solution: Change the application to not use the JMS 2.0 function, or ensure that the application connects to an IBM MQ Version 8.0 queue manager that is using IBM MQ messaging provider Version 8 mode.

JMS 2.0 API is not supported with this connection error

  • Error code: JMSCC5007
  • Scenario: You receive aJMS 2.0 API is not supported with this connection error.
  • Explanation: The use of the JMS 2.0 API is only supported when you are connecting to an Version 7 or Version 8 queue manager that is using IBM MQ messaging provider Normal or Version 8 mode. You might, for example, receive this error if you are attempting to connect to a Version 6 queue manager or if you are connecting by using migration mode. This typically happens if SHARECNV(0) or PROVIDER_VERSION=6 is specified.
  • Solution: Change the application to not use the JMS 2.0 API, or ensure that the application connects to an Version 7 or Version 8 queue manager by using IBM MQ messaging provider Normal or Version 8 mode.

Queue manager command level did not match the requested provider version error

  • Error code: JMSFMQ0003
  • Scenario: You receive a queue manager command level did not match the requested provider versionerror.
  • Explanation: The queue manager version that is specified in the provider version property on the connection factory is not compatible with the requested queue manager. For example, you might have specified PROVIDER_VERSION=8, and attempted to connect to a queue manager with a command level less than 800, such as 750.
  • Solution: Modify the connection factory to connect to a queue manager that can support the provider version required.

For more information about provider version, see Configure the JMS PROVIDERVERSION property.