2346 (092A) (RC2346): MQRC_CF_STRUC_IN_USE


An MQI call or command was issued to operate on a shared queue, but the call failed because the coupling-facility structure specified in the queue definition is unavailable. The coupling-facility structure can be unavailable because a structure dump is in progress, or new connectors to the structure are currently inhibited, or an existing connector to the structure failed or disconnected abnormally and clean-up is not yet complete.

This reason code occurs only on z/OSĀ®.

Completion code


Programmer response

Typically, this is a temporary problem: wait for a while then retry the operation.

If the problem does not resolve itself, then connectivity problems experienced during the recovery of structures in the coupling facility could have occurred. In this case, restart the queue manager which reported the error. Resolve all the connectivity problems concerning the coupling facility before restarting the queue manager.