2206 (089E) (RC2206): MQRC_MSG_ID_ERROR
An MQGET call was issued to retrieve a message using the message identifier as a selection criterion, but the call failed because selection by message identifier is not supported on this queue.- On z/OSĀ®, the queue is a shared
queue, but the IndexType queue attribute does not have an appropriate value:
- If selection is by message identifier alone, IndexType must have the value MQIT_MSG_ID.
- If selection is by message identifier and correlation identifier combined, IndexType must have the value MQIT_MSG_ID or MQIT_CORREL_ID. However, the match-any values of MQCI_NONE and MQMI_NONE respectively are exceptions to this rule, and result in the 2206 MQRC_MSG_ID_ERROR reason code.
- On HP Integrity NonStop Server, a key file is required but has not been defined.
Completion code
Programmer response
Do one of the following:- Modify the application so that it does not use selection by message identifier: set the MsgId field to MQMI_NONE and do not specify MQMO_MATCH_MSG_ID in MQGMO.
- On z/OS, change the value of the IndexType queue attribute to MQIT_MSG_ID.
- On HP Integrity NonStop Server, define a key file.