2192 (0890) (RC2192): MQRC_STORAGE_MEDIUM_FULL
An MQI call or command was issued to operate on an object, but the call failed because the external storage medium is full. One of the following applies:We can get this reason code when the page set or SMDS were expanding, but the space was not yet available. Check the messages in the job log to see the status of any expansion.
- A page-set data set is full (nonshared queues only).
- A coupling-facility structure is full (shared queues only).
- A coupling-facility is full. This situation can arise when the coupling facility structure is configured to use SCM storage (SCMMAXSIZE configured in CFRM policy) and messages are offloaded to SCM storage because the coupling facility structure has reached 90% threshold. Additional SCM use requires further augmented storage for the structure and there is insufficient storage in the coupling-facility to support this.
- The SMDS was full.
This reason code occurs only on z/OS®.
Completion code
Programmer response
Check which queues contain messages and look for applications that might be filling the queues unintentionally. Be aware that the queue that has caused the page set or coupling-facility structure to become full is not necessarily the queue referenced by the MQI call that returned MQRC_STORAGE_MEDIUM_FULL.
Check that all of the usual server applications are operating correctly and processing the messages on the queues.
If the applications and servers are operating correctly, increase the number of server applications to cope with the message load, or request the system programmer to increase the size of the page-set data sets.