Performance keyword

The performance keyword can be used to search the IBM® documentation and software support database for known problems and solutions.

We can resolve most performance problems through system tuning, which should be handled by the IBM MQ for z/OS® system administrator. Before following the procedure show in this topic, use this checklist to verify that the performance problem cannot be resolved through other means:

If we have verified that the performance problem cannot be resolved through other means, use the following procedure:
  1. Record the actual performance, expected performance, and source of expected performance criteria.
  2. Add PERFM to your keyword string, as shown in the following example, and see Searching the IBM database for similar problems, and solutions.

      Free format
      5655R3600 R710 PERFM

      Structured format
      PIDS/ 5655R3600 LVLS/ 710 PERFM

  3. If required, we can narrow your search by adding free-format keywords that describe what you were doing when you experienced the performance problem.