SVC dumps on z/OS

Use this topic to understand how to suppress SVC dumps on z/OSĀ®, and reasons why SVC dumps are not produced.

When SVC dumps are not produced

Under some circumstances, SVC dumps are not produced. Generally, dumps are suppressed because of time or space problems, or security violations. The following list summarizes other reasons why SVC dumps might not be produced:

  • The z/OS serviceability level indication processing (SLIP) commands suppressed the abend.

    The description of IEACMD00 in the MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference manual lists the defaults for SLIP commands executed at IPL time.

  • The abend reason code was one that does not require a dump to determine the cause of abend.
  • SDWACOMU or SDWAEAS (part of the system diagnostic work area, SDWA) was used to suppress the dump.

Suppressing IBM MQ for z/OS dumps using z/OS DAE

We can suppress SVC dumps that duplicate previous dumps. The MVS Diagnosis: Tools and Service Aids manual gives details about using z/OS dump analysis and elimination (DAE).

To support DAE, IBM MQ for z/OS defines two variable recording area (VRA) keys and a minimum symptom string. The two VRA keys are:

  • KEY VRADAE (X'53'). No data is associated with this key.
  • KEY VRAMINSC (X'52') DATA (X'08')
IBM MQ for z/OS provides the following data for the minimum symptom string in the system diagnostic work area (SDWA):

  • Load module name
  • CSECT name
  • Abend code
  • Recovery routine name
  • Failing instruction area
  • REG/PSW difference
  • Reason code
  • Component identifier
  • Component subfunction

Dumps are considered duplicates for the purpose of suppressing duplicate dumps if eight (the X'08' from the VRAMINSC key) of the nine symptoms are the same.