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Diagnostic aids for CICS

We can use the CICSĀ® diagnostic transactions to display information about queue manager tasks, and MQI calls. Use this topic to investigate these facilities.

We can use the CKQC transaction (the CICS adapter control panels) to display information about queue manager tasks, and what state they are in (for example, a GET WAIT). See Administer IBM MQ for z/OSĀ® for more information about CKQC.

The application development environment is the same as for any other CICS application, and so we can use any tools normally used in that environment to develop IBM MQ applications. In particular, the CICS execution diagnostic facility (CEDF) traps entry to and exit from the CICS adapter for each MQI call, as well as trapping calls to all CICS API services. Examples of the output produced by this facility are given in Examples of CEDF output.

The CICS adapter also writes trace entries to the CICS trace. These entries are described in CICS adapter trace entries.

Additional trace and dump data is available from the CICS region. These entries are as described in the CICS Problem Determination Guide.