Has IBM MQ for z/OS run successfully before?
Knowing whether IBM MQ for z/OSĀ® has successfully run before can help with problem determination, and there are checks we can perform to help you.
If the answer to this question is No, consider the following:
- Check your setup.
If IBM MQ has not run successfully on z/OS before, it is likely that you have not yet set it up correctly. See the information about installing and customizing the queue manager in Install the IBM MQ for z/OS product for further guidance.
- Verify the installation.
- Check that message CSQ9022I was issued in response to the START QMGR command (indicating normal completion).
- Ensure that z/OS displays IBM MQ as an installed subsystem. To determine if IBM MQ is an installed subsystem use the z/OS command D OPDATA.
- Check that the installation verification program (IVP) ran successfully.
- Issue the command DISPLAY DQM to check that the channel initiator address space is running, and that the appropriate listeners are started.