Command for CMS or PKCS #12 key databases
We can use the runmqckm, and runmqakm commands to manage keys and certificates for a CMS key database or PKCS #12 key database.
Note: IBM MQ does not support SHA-3 or SHA-5 algorithms. You can use the digital signature algorithm names SHA384WithRSA and SHA512WithRSA because both algorithms are members of the SHA-2 family.The digital signature algorithm names SHA3WithRSA and SHA5WithRSA are deprecated because they are an abbreviated form of SHA384WithRSA and SHA512WithRSA respectively.
- -keydb -changepw
- Change the password for a key database:
-keydb -changepw -db filename -pw password -new_pw new_password -expire days
- -keydb -convert
- convert the key database
from one format to another:
-keydb -convert -db filename -pw password -old_format cms | pkcs12 -new_format cms
- -keydb -create
- Create a key database:
-keydb -create -db filename -pw password -type cms | pkcs12
- -keydb -delete
- Delete a key database:
-keydb -delete -db filename -pw password
- -keydb -list
- List currently-supported types of key database:
-keydb -list
- -cert -add
- Add a certificate from a file into a key database:
-cert -add -db filename -pw password -label label -file filename -format ascii | binary
- -cert -create
- Create a self-signed certificate:
-cert -create -db filename -pw password -label label -dn distinguished_name -size 1024 | 512 -x509version 3 | 1 | 2 -expire days -sig_alg MD2_WITH_RSA | MD2WithRSA | MD5_WITH_RSA | MD5WithRSA | SHA1WithDSA | SHA1WithRSA | SHA256_WITH_RSA | SHA256WithRSA | SHA2WithRSA | SHA384_WITH_RSA | SHA384WithRSA | SHA512_WITH_RSA | SHA512WithRSA | SHA_WITH_DSA | SHA_WITH_RSA | SHAWithDSA | SHAWithRSA
- -cert -delete
- Delete a certificate:
-cert -delete -db filename -pw password -label label
- -cert -details
- List the detailed information for a specific certificate:
-cert -details -db filename -pw password -label label
- -cert -export
- Export a personal certificate and its associated private key from a key database into a PKCS #12
file, or to another key database:
-cert -export -db filename -pw password -label label -type cms | pkcs12 -target filename -target_pw password -target_type cms | pkcs12
- -cert -extract
- Extract a certificate from a key database:
-cert -extract -db filename -pw password -label label -target filename -format ascii | binary
- -cert -import
- Import a personal certificate from a key database:
-cert -import -file filename -pw password -type pkcs12 -target filename -target_pw password -target_type cms -label label
The -label option is required and specifies the label of the certificate that is to be imported from the source key database.
The -new_label option is optional and allows the imported certificate to be given a different label in the target key database from the label in the source database.
- -cert -list
- List all certificates in a key database:
-cert -list all | personal | CA -db filename -pw password
- -cert -receive
- Receive a certificate from a file:
-cert -receive -file filename -db filename -pw password -format ascii | binary -default_cert yes | no
- -cert -sign
- Sign a certificate:
-cert -sign -db filename -file filename -pw password -label label -target filename -format ascii | binary -expire days -sig_alg MD2_WITH_RSA | MD2WithRSA | MD5_WITH_RSA | MD5WithRSA | SHA1WithDSA | SHA1WithRSA | SHA256_WITH_RSA | SHA256WithRSA | SHA2WithRSA | SHA384_WITH_RSA | SHA384WithRSA | SHA512_WITH_RSA | SHA512WithRSA | SHA_WITH_DSA | SHA_WITH_RSA | SHAWithDSA | SHAWithRSA
- -certreq -create
- Create a certificate request:
-certreq -create -db filename -pw password -label label -dn distinguished_name -size 1024 | 512 -file filename -sig_alg MD2_WITH_RSA | MD2WithRSA | MD5_WITH_RSA | MD5WithRSA | SHA1WithDSA | SHA1WithRSA | SHA256_WITH_RSA | SHA256WithRSA | SHA2WithRSA | SHA384_WITH_RSA | SHA384WithRSA | SHA512_WITH_RSA | SHA512WithRSA | SHA_WITH_DSA | SHA_WITH_RSA | SHAWithDSA | SHAWithRSA
- -certreq -delete
- Delete a certificate request:
-certreq -delete -db filename -pw password -label label
- -certreq -details
- List the detailed information of a specific certificate request:
-certreq -details -db filename -pw password -label label
List the detailed information about a certificate request and show the full certificate request:
-certreq -details -showOID -db filename -pw password -label label
- -certreq -extract
- Extract a certificate request from a certificate request database into a file:
-certreq -extract -db filename -pw password -label label -target filename
- -certreq -list
- List all certificate requests in the certificate request database:
-certreq -list -db filename -pw password
- -certreq -recreate
- Re-create a certificate request:
-certreq -recreate -db filename -pw password -label label -target filename