Digital certificates in AMS
Advanced Message Security associates users and applications with X.509 standard digital certificates. X.509 certificates are typically signed by a trusted certificate authority (CA) and involve private and public keys which are used for encryption and decryption.
Digital certificates provide protection against impersonation by binding a public key to its owner, whether that owner is an individual, a queue manager, or some other entity. Digital certificates are also known as public key certificates, because they give you assurance about the ownership of a public key when we use an asymmetric key scheme. This scheme requires that a public key and a private key be generated for an application. Data encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted using the corresponding private key while data encrypted with the private key can only be decrypted using the corresponding public key. The private key is stored in a key database file that is password-protected. Only its owner has the access to the private key used to decrypt messages that are encrypted using the corresponding public key.
If public keys are sent directly by their owner to another entity, there is a risk that the message could be intercepted and the public key substituted by another. This is known as a "man-in-the-middle" attack. The solution is to exchange public keys through a trusted third party, giving the user a strong assurance that the public key belongs to the entity with which you are communicating. Instead of sending your public key directly, you ask a trusted third party to incorporate it into a digital certificate. The trusted third-party who issues digital certificates is called a certificate authority (CA).
For more information about digital certificates, see What is in a digital certificate.
A digital certificate contains the public key for an entity and states that the public key belongs to that entity:Note: Advanced Message Security supports self-signed certificates in both Java and native applications
- when a certificate is for an individual entity, it is called a personal certificate or user certificate.
- when a certificate is for a certificate authority, the certificate is called a CA certificate or signer certificate.