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RESLEVEL and system functions

The application of RESLEVEL to the operation and control panels, and to CSQUTIL.

The operation and control panels and the CSQUTIL utility are batch-type applications that make requests to the queue manager's command server, and so they are subject to the considerations described in RESLEVEL and batch connections. We can use RESLEVEL to bypass security checking for the SYSTEM.COMMAND.INPUT and SYSTEM.COMMAND.REPLY.MODEL queues that they use, but not for the dynamic queues SYSTEM.CSQXCMD.*, SYSTEM.CSQOREXX.*, and SYSTEM.CSQUTIL.*.

The command server is an integral part of the queue manager and so does not have connection or RESLEVEL checking associated with it. To maintain security, therefore, the command server must confirm that the user ID of the requesting application has authority to open the queue being used for replies. For the operations and control panels, this is SYSTEM.CSQOREXX.*. For CSQUTIL, it is SYSTEM.CSQUTIL.*. Users must be authorized to use these queues, as described in System queue security, in addition to any RESLEVEL authorization they are given.

For other applications using the command server, it is the queue they name as their reply-to queue. Such other applications might deceive the command server into placing messages on unauthorized queues by passing (in the message context) a more trusted user ID than its own to the command server. To prevent this, use a CONTEXT profile to protect the identity context of messages placed on SYSTEM.COMMAND.INPUT.