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Authorizations for MQSC commands in escape PCFs

This information summarizes the authorizations needed for each MQSC command contained in Escape PCF.

Not applicable means that this operation is not relevant to this object type.

The user ID under which the program that submits the command is running must also have the following authorities:


  1. For DEFINE commands, MQZAO_DISPLAY authority is also needed for the LIKE object if one is specified, or on the appropriate SYSTEM.DEFAULT.xxx object if LIKE is omitted.
  2. The MQZAO_CREATE authority is not specific to a particular object or object type. Create authority is granted for all objects for a specified queue manager, by specifying an object type of QMGR on the setmqaut command.
  3. This applies if the object to be replaced already exists. If it does not, the check is as for DEFINE object NOREPLACE.