JSON format diagnostic messages

The following table describes the name, value pairs that make up the JSON format IBM MQ diagnostic messages.

See QMErrorLog service for more information on diagnostic messages.

If you write an error log file in JSON format, each error message contains single lines of JSON,

Table 1. Name/value pairs in the message object
name Type Description
host string The host name
ibm_arithInsert1 number The first message variable.
ibm_arithInsert2 number The second message variable.
ibm_commentInsert1 string The third message variable, if required.
ibm_commentInsert2 string The fourth message variable, if required.
ibm_commentInsert3 string The fifth message variable, if required.
ibm_datetime string An ISO 8601 formatted timestamp indicating when the message was generated. Of the form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmZ, always in UTC.
ibm_installationDir string The installation path. Included because it allows a parsing program on the machine to run appropriate commands from the installation.
ibm_installationName string The installation name.
ibm_messageID string The diagnostic message identifier including the severity character, for example, AMQ6209W.
ibm_processID number The process identifier.
ibm_processName string The process, or job name on IBM i, for example, amqzxma0.
ibm_qmgrId string An identifier for the queue manager.
ibm_remoteHost string IP address of the associated client program, if there is one.
ibm_sequence string Sequence number of message; intended to differentiate between messages produced at the same time.
ibm_servername string The name of the queue manager.
ibm_threadId number The IBM MQ thread identifier within the process.
ibm_userName string The real name of the user under which the process is running.
ibm_version string IBM MQ Version, Release, Modification, Fix pack (VRMF) information.
loglevel string Either, INFO, WARNING, or ERROR.
message string A summary of the message, including the identifier, with inserts expanded.
module string The source file and line number where the message was generated, for example, amqxerrx.c:243.
type string mq_log

Example message

The following message is displayed on multiple lines, but IBM MQ typically writes the message on a single line.
  "ibm_commentInsert1":"localhost (",
  "message":"AMQ9209E: Connection to host 'localhost (' for channel 'SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN' closed."