Listener attributes

    AlterationDate (MQCFST)
    Alteration date (parameter identifier: MQCA_ALTERATION_DATE).
    The date, in the form yyyy-mm-dd, on which the information was last altered.
    AlterationTime (MQCFST)
    Alteration time (parameter identifier: MQCA_ALTERATION_TIME).
    The time, in the form, at which the information was last altered.
    Adapter (MQCIN)
    Adapter number (parameter identifier: MQIACH_ADAPTER).
    The adapter number on which NetBIOS listens. This parameter is valid only on Windows.
    Backlog (MQCIN)
    Backlog (parameter identifier: MQIACH_BACKLOG).
    The number of concurrent connection requests that the listener supports.
    Commands (MQCIN)
    Adapter number (parameter identifier: MQIACH_COMMAND_COUNT).
    The number of commands that the listener can use. This parameter is valid only on Windows.
    IPAddress (MQCFST)
    IP address (parameter identifier: MQCACH_IP_ADDRESS).
    IP address for the listener specified in IPv4 dotted decimal, IPv6 hexadecimal notation, or alphanumeric host name form.
    ListenerDesc (MQCFST)
    Description of listener definition (parameter identifier: MQCACH_LISTENER_DESC).
    ListenerName (MQCFST)
    Name of listener definition (parameter identifier: MQCACH_LISTENER_NAME).
    LocalName (MQCFST)
    NetBIOS local name (parameter identifier: MQCACH_LOCAL_NAME).
    The NetBIOS local name that the listener uses. This parameter is valid only on Windows.
    NetbiosNames (MQCFIN)
    NetBIOS names (parameter identifier: MQIACH_NAME_COUNT).
    The number of names that the listener supports. This parameter is valid only on Windows.
    Port (MQCFIN)
    Port number (parameter identifier: MQIACH_PORT).
    The port number for TCP/IP. This parameter is valid only if the value of TransportType is MQXPT_TCP.
    Sessions (MQCFIN)
    NetBIOS sessions (parameter identifier: MQIACH_SESSION_COUNT).
    The number of sessions that the listener can use. This parameter is valid only on Windows.
    Socket (MQCFIN)
    SPX socket number (parameter identifier: MQIACH_SOCKET).
    The SPX socket on which to listen. This parameter is valid only if the value of TransportType is MQXPT_SPX.
    StartMode (MQCFIN)
    Service mode (parameter identifier: MQIACH_LISTENER_CONTROL).
    Specifies how the listener is to be started and stopped. The value can be:

      The listener is started and stopped manually, by user command.

      The listener is started and stopped when the queue manager starts and stops.

      The listener is started when the queue manager starts, but does not stop when the queue manager stops.

    TPName (MQCFST)
    Transaction program name (parameter identifier: MQCACH_TP_NAME).
    The LU 6.2 transaction program name. This parameter is valid only on Windows.
    TransportType (MQCFIN)
    Transmission protocol (parameter identifier: MQIACH_XMIT_PROTOCOL_TYPE).
    The value can be any of the following values:


      LU 6.2

