For messages being delivered to an asynchronous message listener, what happens to messages in the internal read ahead buffer when the message consumer is closed.

Applicable Objects

Queue, Topic

JMS administration tool long name: READAHEADCLOSEPOLICY

JMS administration tool short name: RACP

Programmatic access


  • MQDestination.setReadAheadClosePolicy()
  • MQDestination.getReadAheadClosePolicy()


    All messages in the internal read ahead buffer are delivered to the message listener of the application before returning. This is the default value in administrative tools.
    Use WMQConstants.WMQ_READ_AHEAD_DELIVERALL in programs.

    Only the current message listener invocation completes before returning, potentially leaving messages in the internal read ahead buffer, which are then discarded.
    Use WMQConstants.WMQ_READ_AHEAD_DELIVERCURRENT in programs.