This property determines whether calls to certain methods fail if either the queue manager is in a quiescing state, or an application is connecting to a queue manager using the CLIENT transport and the channel that the application is using has been put into a quiescing state, for example, by using the STOP CHANNEL or STOP CHANNEL MODE(QUIESCE) MQSC command.

Applicable Objects

ConnectionFactory, QueueConnectionFactory, TopicConnectionFactory, Queue, Topic, XAConnectionFactory, XAQueueConnectionFactory, XATopicConnectionFactory

JMS administration tool long name: FAILIFQUIESCE

JMS administration tool short name: FIQ

Programmatic access


  • MQConnectionFactory.setFailIfQuiesce()
  • MQConnectionFactory.getFailIfQuiesce()


    Calls to certain methods fail if either the queue manager is in a quiescing state, or the channel being used to connect to a queue manager is quiescing. If an application detects either of these conditions, the application can complete its immediate task and close the connection, allowing the queue manager or channel instance to stop. This is the default value.

    No method call fails because either the queue manager, or the channel being used to connect to a queue manager, is in a quiescing state. If you specify this value, an application cannot detect that the queue manager or channel is quiescing. The application might continue to perform operations against the queue manager, and therefore prevent the queue manager from stopping.