usr: HTTP x-msg-usr entity-header

Set or return the user properties.

Type Description
HTTP header name x-msg-usr
HTTP header type Entity-header
Valid in HTTP request message POST, x-msg-require-headers
Allowed values See Syntax ; for example,
x-msg-usr: myProp1;5;i1,
x-msg-usr: myProp2;"My String";string
Default value Not applicable


  • When set on an HTTP POST request, set the request message user properties.
  • On an HTTP GET or DELETE request, the x-msg-usr header is ignored.
  • Specified in x-msg-require-headers, sets x-msg-usr in the HTTP response message to user properties of a message.
  • Multiple properties can be set on a message. Specify multiple comma-separated properties in a single x-msg-usr header, or by using two or more separate instances of the x-msg-usr header.
  • We can request a specific property to be returned in the response to a GET or DELETE request. Specify the name of the property in the x-msg-require-headers header of the request, using the prefix usr-. For example,
    x-msg-require-headers: usr-myProp1
  • To request that all user properties are returned in a response, use the ALL-USR constant. For example,
    x-msg-require-headers: ALL-USR


x-msg-usr: ,usr-property-value usr-property-value property-name ; usr-value ; usr-type property-name string usr-valuebooleani1i2i4i8r4r8qstringusr-typebooleani1i2i4i8r4r8stringbooleanTRUEFALSEi1 -128   ≤ n  ≤ +127 i2 -32768   ≤ n  ≤ +32767 i4 -2147483648   ≤ n  ≤ +2147483647 i8 -9223372036854775808   ≤ n  ≤ +92233720368547750807 r4 -1.4E-45   ≤ n  ≤ +3.4028235E38 r8 -4.9E-324   ≤ n  ≤ +1.7976931348623157E308 qstring " string "