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Utility for creating conversion-exit code

Use this information to learn more about creating conversion-exit code.

The commands for creating conversion-exit code are:

The command for your platform produces a fragment of code that performs data conversion on data type structures, for use in your data-conversion exit program. The command takes a file containing one or more C language structure definitions. On z/OS, it then generates a data set containing assembler code fragments and conversion functions. On other platforms, it generates a file with a C function to convert each structure definition. On z/OS, the utility requires access to the LE/370 runtime library SCEERUN.

Invoking the CSQUCVX utility on z/OS

Figure 1 shows an example of the JCL used to invoke the CSQUCVX utility.
Figure 1. Sample JCL used to invoke the CSQUCVX utility
//         DD DISP=SHR,DSN=thlqual.SCSQLOAD
//         DD DISP=SHR,DSN=le370qual.SCEERUN

z/OS data definition statements

The CSQUCVX utility requires DD statements with the following DDnames:

DD statement description

Specifies a data set or print spool class for reports and error messages.


Specifies the partitioned data set containing the definitions of the data structures to be converted.


Specifies the partitioned data set where the conversion code fragments are to be written. The logical record length (LRECL) must be 80 and the record format (RECFM) must be FB.

Error messages in Windows, UNIX and Linux systems

The crtmqcvx command returns messages in the range AMQ7953 through AMQ7970.

These messages are listed in Reason codes .

There are two main types of error: