Channel attributes in alphabetical order
This section describes each attribute of a channel object, with its valid values and notes on its use where appropriate.
IBM MQ for some platforms might not implement all the attributes shown in this section. Exceptions and platform differences are mentioned in the individual attribute descriptions, where relevant.
The keyword that we can specify in MQSC is shown in brackets for each attribute.
The attributes are arranged in alphabetical order.
Alter date (ALTDATE)
This attribute is the date on which the definition was last altered, in the form yyyy-mm-dd.
Alter time (ALTTIME)
This attribute is the time at which the definition was last altered, in the form hh:mm:ss.
AMQP keep alive (AMQPKA)
Use the AMQPKA attribute to specify a keep alive time for the AMQP client connection. If the AMQP client has not sent any frames within the keep alive interval, then the connection is closed.
Batch Heartbeat Interval (BATCHHB)
This attribute allows a sending channel to verify that the receiving channel is still active just before committing a batch of messages.
Batch interval (BATCHINT)
This attribute is a period, in milliseconds, during which the channel keeps a batch open even if there are no messages on the transmission queue.
Batch limit (BATCHLIM)
This attribute is the limit, in kilobytes, of the amount of data that can be sent through a channel before taking a sync point.
Batch size (BATCHSZ)
This attribute is the maximum number of messages to be sent before a sync point is taken.
Certificate label (CERTLABL)
This attribute specifies the certificate label of the channel definition.
Channel name (CHANNEL)
This attribute specifies the name of the channel definition.
Channel statistics (STATCHL) on Multiplatforms
On Multiplatforms, this attribute controls the collection of statistics data for channels.
Channel type (CHLTYPE)
This attribute specifies the type of the channel being defined.
Client channel weight (CLNTWGHT)
This attribute specifies a weighting to influence which client-connection channel definition is used.
Cluster (CLUSTER)
This attribute is the name of the cluster to which the channel belongs.
Cluster namelist (CLUSNL)
This attribute is the name of the namelist that specifies a list of clusters to which the channel belongs.
CLWLPRTY channel attribute
The CLWLPRTY channel attribute specifies the priority order for channels for cluster workload distribution. The value must be in the range 0-9, where 0 is the lowest priority and 9 is the highest.
CLWLRANK channel attribute
The CLWLRANK channel attribute specifies the rank of channels for cluster workload distribution. The value must be in the range 0-9, where 0 is the lowest rank and 9 is the highest.
CLWLWGHT channel attribute
The CLWLWGHT channel attribute specifies the weight applied to CLUSSDR and CLUSRCVR channels for cluster workload distribution. The value must be in the range 1-99, where 1 is the lowest weight and 99 is the highest.
Connection affinity (AFFINITY)
This attribute specifies whether client applications that connect multiple times using the same queue manager name, use the same client channel.
Connection name (CONNAME)
This attribute is the communications connection identifier. It specifies the particular communications links to be used by this channel.
Convert message (CONVERT)
This attribute specifies that the message must be converted into the format required by the receiving system before transmission.
Data compression (COMPMSG)
This attribute is a list of message data compression techniques supported by the channel.
Default reconnection (DEFRECON)
Specifies whether a client connection automatically reconnects a client application if its connection breaks.
Description (DESCR)
This attribute describes the channel definition and contains up to 64 bytes of text.
Disconnect interval (DISCINT)
This attribute is the length of time after which a channel closes down, if no message arrives during that period.
Disposition (QSGDISP)
This attribute specifies the disposition of the channel in a queue sharing group. It is valid on z/OSĀ® only.
Header compression (COMPHDR)
This attribute is a list of header data compression techniques supported by the channel.
Heartbeat interval (HBINT)
This attribute specifies the approximate time between heartbeat flows that are to be passed from a sending message channel agent (MCA) when there are no messages on the transmission queue.
Keepalive Interval (KAINT)
This attribute is used to specify a timeout value for a channel.
Local Address (LOCLADDR)
This attribute specifies the local communications address for the channel.
Long retry count (LONGRTY)
This attribute specifies the maximum number of times that the channel is to try allocating a session to its partner.
Long retry interval (LONGTMR)
This attribute is the approximate interval in seconds that the channel is to wait before retrying to establish connection, during the long retry mode.
LU 6.2 mode name (MODENAME)
This attribute is for use with LU 6.2 connections. It gives extra definition for the session characteristics of the connection when a communication session allocation is performed.
LU 6.2 transaction program name (TPNAME)
This attribute is for use with LU 6.2 connections. It is the name, or generic name, of the transaction program (MCA) to be run at the far end of the link.
Maximum instances (MAXINST)
This attribute specifies the maximum number of simultaneous instances of a server-connection channel or AMQP channel that can be started.
Maximum instances per client (MAXINSTC)
This attribute specifies the maximum number of simultaneous instances of a server-connection channel that can be started from a single client.
Maximum message length (MAXMSGL)
This attribute specifies the maximum length of a message that can be transmitted on the channel.
Message channel agent name (MCANAME)
This attribute is reserved and if specified must only be set to blanks.
Message channel agent type (MCATYPE)
This attribute can specify the message channel agent as a process or a thread .
Message channel agent user identifier (MCAUSER)
This attribute is the user identifier (a string) to be used by the MCA for authorization to access IBM MQ resources.
Message exit name (MSGEXIT)
This attribute specifies the name of the user exit program to be run by the channel message exit.
Message exit user data (MSGDATA)
This attribute specifies user data that is passed to the channel message exits.
Message-retry exit name (MREXIT)
This attribute specifies the name of the user exit program to be run by the message-retry user exit.
Message-retry exit user data (MRDATA)
This attribute specifies data passed to the channel message-retry exit when it is called.
Message retry count (MRRTY)
This attribute specifies the number of times the channel tries to redeliver the message.
Message retry interval (MRTMR)
This attribute specifies the minimum interval of time that must pass before the channel can retry the MQPUT operation.
Monitor (MONCHL)
This attribute controls the collection of online Monitoring data.
NETPRTY channel attribute
The NETPRTY channel attribute specifies the priority for a CLUSRCVR channel. The value must be in the range 0-9, where 0 is the lowest priority and 9 is the highest.
Nonpersistent message speed (NPMSPEED)
This attribute specifies the speed at which nonpersistent messages are to be sent.
Password (PASSWORD)
This attribute specifies a password that can be used by the MCA when attempting to initiate a secure LU 6.2 session with a remote MCA.
Port number (PORT)
Specify the port number that is used to connect the AMQP client.
PUT authority (PUTAUT)
This attribute specifies the type of security processing to be carried out by the MCA.
Queue manager name (QMNAME)
This attribute specifies the name of the queue manager or queue manager group to which an IBM MQ MQI client application can request connection.
Receive exit name (RCVEXIT)
This attribute specifies the name of the user exit program to be run by the channel receive user exit.
Receive exit user data (RCVDATA)
This attribute specifies user data that is passed to the receive exit.
Security exit name (SCYEXIT)
This attribute specifies the name of the exit program to be run by the channel security exit.
Security exit user data (SCYDATA)
This attribute specifies user data that is passed to the security exit.
Send exit name (SENDEXIT)
This attribute specifies the name of the exit program to be run by the channel send exit.
Send exit user data (SENDDATA)
This attribute specifies user data that is passed to the send exit.
Sequence number wrap (SEQWRAP)
This attribute specifies the highest number the message sequence number reaches before it restarts at 1.
Short retry count (SHORTRTY)
This attribute specifies the maximum number of times that the channel is to try allocating a session to its partner.
Short retry interval (SHORTTMR)
This attribute specifies the approximate interval in seconds that the channel is to wait before retrying to establish connection, during the short retry mode.
SSL Cipher Specification (SSLCIPH)
This attribute specifies a single CipherSpec for a TLS connection.
SSL Client Authentication (SSLCAUTH)
This attribute specifies whether the channel needs to receive and authenticate a TLS certificate from a TLS client.
This attribute is used to check the Distinguished Name (DN) of the certificate from the peer queue manager or client at the other end of an IBM MQ channel.
Topic root (TPROOT)
This attribute specifies the topic root for an AMQP channel.
Transmission queue name (XMITQ)
This attribute specifies the name of the transmission queue from which messages are retrieved.
Transport type (TRPTYPE)
This attribute specifies the transport type to be used.
Use client ID (USECLTID)
Use client ID for connection to AMQP channel.
Use Dead-Letter Queue (USEDLQ)
This attribute determines whether the dead-letter queue (or undelivered message queue) is used when messages cannot be delivered by channels.
This attribute specifies the user ID to be used by the MCA when attempting to initiate a secure SNA session with a remote MCA.
Parent topic: Channel attributes