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setmqxacred (add XA credentials)

Use the setmqxacred command to add or modify credentials in the IBM MQ XA credentials store.


The setmqxacred command adds new credentials to the IBM MQ XA credentials store, or modifies or deletes existing credentials.


setmqxacred -m ? QmgrName -xResourceMgrName-uuser-ppassword-xResourceMgrName-d-l

Required parameters

Optional parameters


To add credentials for the queue manager QM1 for the resource mqdb2:

# setmqxacred -m QM1 -x mydb2 -u user1 -p Password1
Successfully added credentials for XA Resource Manager mydb2

To delete the credentials for the queue manager QM1 for the resource mqdb2:

# setmqxacred -m QM1 -x mydb2 -d
Successfully removed credentials for XA Resource Manager mydb2
To list details about the credentials stored in the credentials store.
# setmqxacred -m QM1 -l 
ResourceName(mydb2) UserName(user1)
ResourceName(myora) UserName(user2)